
Kendall Whittier Incorporated is a home-grown organization incorporating self-sufficiency
for our neighbors through food security, nutritional health, and well-being.

Your generous tax-deductible donations are greatly needed and appreciated. Kendall Whittier, Inc. needs assistance from you to continue to successfully fulfill our mission.





Provide Financial Support

There are a number of ways you can financially support Kendall Whittier, Inc.’s mission.


Donate Online
This is the quickest and easiest way to fight hunger, feed hope. Simply click HERE to make a secure credit or debit card gift now through our Network for Good platform.


Donate By Phone
Call Shana Thomas at 918-829-5394 to make a gift using your Visa or MasterCard.


Donate By Mail
Send your check, payable to Kendall Whittier Incorporated to PO Box 4165
Tulsa, OK 74159-0165.


Donate in Memory or Honor of Someone
What better way to celebrate a special occasion or honor the memory of a loved one than with a financial gift to Kendall Whittier, Inc.


Become a Friend of KWI
Give on a regular basis by having money deducted monthly from your credit card or bank account.


Employer-Matched Gifts
Double your gift to KWI with your employer’s help. Many companies will match charitable donations, doubling or even tripling your gift to us. Some companies will match gifts made by retirees, spouses and board members, and others will even match your volunteer time with cash contributions! Please contact Shana Thomas at 918-829-5394 or dwood [at] kendallwhittierinc [dot] org to arrange for an employer-matched donation.


Sponsor Events
We would love to give your business the recognition it deserves. By sponsoring an event, such as our upcoming fundraiser, Pump Up the Pantry!, we will include your business in all of our promotions.
Contact Machele Miller Dill mdill [at] kendallwhittierinc [dot] org for more information.


Planned Giving
By including KWI in your will, trust, insurance, annuities or other estate plans, you leave a legacy that will help Kendall Whittier neighborhood for the next generation. For more information, contact
Shana Thomas at 918-829-5394 or shana.thomas [at] kendallwhittierinc [dot] org.



In addition to financial support, our programs thrive on receiving gifts of donated items.



The Emergency Food Pantry (EFP) welcomes shelf-stable food items which are unopened, in good condition and unexpired. Our primary needs are:

  • Canned or jarred sources of protein (meat, fish, poultry, peanut butter, etc.)
  • Frozen meats and poultry (ground meat, hot dogs, etc.)
  • Boxes of Cereal
  • Bottles of Juice
  • Shelf-stable milk (liquid, not powdered)

If you have food items to donate please contact one of our component organizations or the EFP:


PLEASE do not drop off perishable items without first communicating with the EFP Director.



Our Community and Teaching Gardens Programs appreciate donations of gently used garden tools as well as non-GMO and organic seeds and plants.


Please contact GROW Teaching Garden Coordinator Dave Goswick ( or Tipton Community Garden Coordinator Tearria Sanders ( to inquire about specific needs and drop-off locations.